(We are developing affordable indie games on Steam. The DLC game and soundtrack added to the base game are free of charge.)
Steamの開発者ページはこちら (Here is our developer page on Steam)
3Dの航空戦闘アクションゲーム (3D aerial combat action game)
3DのTPS・FPS・バカゲー (3D TPS, FPS, and silly games)
Zero Spring (不思議な泉の水をめぐるストーリー)(A story revolving around the mysterious spring water)
Steamでのバンドル(セット商品) (Bundle on Steam)
Sonic-Alphaのすべてのゲームをコンプリートできます。(Complete all Sonic-Alpha games.)
Sonic-Alphaによるおススメセレクション。(A recommended selection by Sonic-Alpha.)
Sonic-Alphaのメインコンテンツである航空戦闘ゲームのバンドル。(A bundle of Sonic-Alpha’s main content: aerial combat games.)
FPS、TPSゲームのバンドル。(A bundle of FPS and TPS games.)
Zero Speing3部作のバンドル。(A bundle of the Zero Spring trilogy.)
無料ゲーム (Free games)
X(Twitter)はこちら (Here is our X (Twitter))
(This EULA applies to all Sonic-Alpha products distributed on Steam. It does not apply to works on Free Game Mugen.)